Who Will Lead Commuter This Fall?

The end of the LBCC school year is rapidly approaching, as is the reign of the Commuter’s editor-in-chief and his staff.

Now’s the time for prospective editors to submit their applications to lead the campus newspaper and its online site beginning this summer. LBCC’s Student Publications Committee will interview applicants for the editor-in-chief job on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 13.

Other positions are appointed by the new editor-in-chief.

Greg Dewar and the rest of the staff have done a great job diversifying the content of the campus newspaper and building the online Commuter from the ground up.

Applications are available at the Commuter or on the door of Rob Priewe’s office, Forum 112. See Priewe (that’s me) if you have questions about the jobs and all they entail. You also can call 541-917-4563 for more information.

Ideally, all applications should be submitted by May 8.
