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LB’s Student Journalists Head to SF Conference

This weekend LBCC’s student journalists will mingle with the pros at the Society of Professional Journalists regional conference at the University of San Francisco. Titled “Journalism Innovations III: The New Business of the News Business,” this Region 11 SPJ gathering will focus on new ventures in the “changing mediascape.”

“Journalism isn’t dying, it’s on the cusp of a new era,” declare the organizers. I couldn’t agree more.

This year I’ve got 14 students signed up to attend workshops such as “The New Student Journalism,” “Committing Acts of Journalism and Public Health,” “New Media, New Ethics?” and “Building the Open-Source Newsroom.” Among the other attractions is the premiere of a new documentary: “A Fragile Trust: Jayson Blair and the New York Times.”

The conference runs April 30-May 2.


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